Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy we describe what kind of data we may collect of you in connection with your use of our apps, games, websites and related services (below 'Services') and how we may use such data. By using our Services, you agree to the processing of your data in accordance with this privacy policy.


What Data do we collect and why?

Personal data. We may collect personal data that identifies you if you submit it to our Services. We may use this data to provide Services to you, improve our Services and contact you.
If you use to log in to our Services by using social networking site credentials, the site may send us personal data that you have allowed it to share with us.

Analytics data. We can use analytical services and other tools (such as Google Analytics) on areas of our Services which enable us to collect your IP address or other identifier, usage data relating to our Services as well as information on your device properties. Based on this data we may create statistics, provide better services to our customers as well as analyze and further develop our Services. We treat this information as non-personal data.
You can disable Google Analytics with this special Google's service add-on tool.

Ad Networks. We may feature advertising within our Service. Our Services may collects and transmits ID of advertising for the AdMob advertising network of Google, which is subject to the requirement in the privacy policy in accordance with the current legislation.

Cookies and other identifiers. Certain parts of our Services may use cookies and other identifiers (such as clear gifs or pixel tags). With cookies and other identifiers we can provide a better user experience. You may delete the cookies from your device after using our Services. If you disable cookies on your browser, some parts of our Services may not function properly.


Data security

All of your data is protected in accordance with generally acceptable industry standards and although no system is full secure, we take reasonable steps to safeguard your data from unauthorized access. We may use partners and contractors to process data for us in accordance with this privacy policy and in such cases we take steps to ensure that your data is kept secure.


Data sharing

We do not share your personal data to third parties without your consent unless we are compelled to do so by law or when we face exceptional situations, such as detection or prevention of misuse or criminal activities.
We may publish aggregated or de-personalised data based on our users’ information (such as statistics) provided that such information does not identify you.
We may process your data outside the country where you live in (for example if you are an EU citizen, outside the EU or the European Economic Area). This can happen if, for instance, the service provider of our analytical services is located outside your country. In such cases, we will take steps to ensure that your personal data is processed lawfully and in accordance with this privacy policy.


External Links

Our Services may contain links to external sites, such as Facebook and YouTube and link content from external third party sources. Please note that the use of such third party sites or content is subject to the privacy policies and usage terms of the third party in question instead of our own terms and we do not have control or assume any liability over such content.



We may amend this privacy policy from time to time by posting a new version online so please review it frequently. Your continued use of our Services after the posting of a new version is deemed as your acceptance of the modified terms.