Healthy Food, Healthy Diets, Medical Diets, Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine and Healthy Diets

Healthy Food, Healthy Diets, Medical Diets, Food as Medicine

Tell me what you eat
and I will tell you what disease you are with



THIS was said by the famous ancient Greek physician HIPPOCRATES, who is called the 'Father of Medicine'. In that time, there were no pharmacies with artificial drugs, so doctors relied on the treatments available to them, in which the daily meal played an important role.

meat bread oil nuts sweets dairy drinks flour fish fruits legumes poultry spices vegetables

Almost 25 centuries have passed since the time of HIPPOCRATES, but the relevance of a healthy diet for the successful treatment of a patient has not diminished in the least. Choosing the right regimen, foods, recipes and cooking methods is important in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Key features

WE introduce a reference book to medical diets that comply with the US and International Classification of Diseases ICD-10. Using the reference book, you can choose the necessary diets for various diseases and get recommendations on the choice of foods and dishes for medical nutrition.

US and International Classification of Diseases ICD-10-CM
Diets for nearly 180 diseases

Diets for nearly 180 diseases

Detailed recommendations for diets

Detailed recommendations

Choice of healthy foods

Choice of healthy foods

Medical Diets: Easy, Convenient, Affordable!

Easy, Convenient, Affordable!

How it works? It easy!

1. Find your disease using the ICD-10 code

2. Get access to the description of the diet for the selected disease, to the list of permitted and prohibited foods and dishes

3. Follow the recommendations of your attending doctor and adhere to the requirements of the chosen diet!

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Healthy Food, Medical Diets, Screenshot 5
Healthy Food, Medical Diets, Screenshot 6
Healthy Food, Medical Diets, Screenshot 7


Fasting Days of Medical Diets

Added a long list of fasting days for the treatment of various diseases to the app

Fasting Days of Medical Diets


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